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April 8, 2024

Nourishing Your Niche: The Secret to Thriving as a CME Medical Writer

Nourishing Your Niche: The Secret to Thriving as a CME Medical Writer
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Write Medicine

Are you trapped in the generalist rut as a medical writer? Discover the power of nourishing your niche in CME writing.

Specializing in CME writing can help you crack the client mindset code, build authority, generate higher revenue, and optimize your marketing efforts. This Monday Mentor episode explores how focusing on CME can lead to a thriving medical writing career and help you:

1. Understand the rewards and risks of specializing in CME writing

2. Learn how to identify and develop your CME niche based on your skills and interests

3. Discover strategies to market your CME writing services effectively and command higher rates

Ready to take your medical writing career to the next level? Grab this niche discovery checklist to start exploring your CME writing niche today!

Time Stamps

00:00 Introduction to niche specialization

01:33 Breaking down the benefits of nourishing a niche

04:45 Overcoming concerns and challenges of specializing

06:57 When and how to find a niche

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About Write Medicine

Hosted by Alexandra Howson PhD, CHCP

Produced by Golden Goose Creative

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