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Jan. 3, 2024

Medical Writing in the Age of AI: Threat or Opportunity?

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Write Medicine

Are you curious about how artificial intelligence (AI) can augment medical writing? Or are you wondering how AI could change the way we approach continuing education for health professionals?

Listen in as Núria Negrão PhD shares tangible strategies for content creation.

As advances in AI lead to fears about human jobs being replaced, medical writers and CME/CE professionals are wondering how to adapt. Núria explains key opportunities to enhance your skills and stay ahead of the curve. We take a deeper look at the practical applications and limitations of generative AI in medical writing, offering you valuable insights to enhance your professional toolkit.


What you'll learn in this episode:

  1. Identify specific AI tools to help with literature reviews, analyzing bias, ideation, translations, and more.
  2. Approaches for integrating AI tools into medical writing, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
  3. Appreciate the biggest risks of AI content creation and how to mitigate them.
  4. How to effectively balance human expertise with AI capabilities to create high-quality, comprehensive medical content.
  5. Strategies to navigate the challenges and ethical considerations of using AI in medical writing, enhancing your ability to produce content that's both innovative and trustworthy.
  6. Get actionable ideas to experiment with AI as part of your medical writing process—and a downloadable worksheet to help you brainstorm your own processes.


Call to Action: Tune in to this future-focused conversation to explore how AI can make you a better, more effective medical writer right now.



About Write Medicine

Hosted by Alexandra Howson PhD, CHCP

Produced by Golden Goose Creative

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Núria Negrão PhDProfile Photo

Núria Negrão PhD

Núria is a medical writer in the continuing education field. Núria brings her scientific training as well as her vast experience in teaching effective science and medical communication to every project, helping craft engaging and effective educational experiences that support, inspire, and motivate learners.